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Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeby akselbuch Tue May 30, 2017 3:42 am

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Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeby ArcNitemare Sat May 27, 2017 1:22 am

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» Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?
Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeby ResolutionBlaze Sun May 07, 2017 9:11 pm

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 Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?

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Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? Empty
PostSubject: Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?   Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 31, 2016 3:50 pm

I was pondering this the other day xD SU takes place in a world that is kind of similar to ours, while still being completely different and new. But I wonder how widely known the Crystal Gems are around the world. Like, is it all hush hush and no one seems to know anything? Or is there like a big fanbase all over the world where people tune in to every bit of news about the goings on in Beach City?

For me personally, I can't imagine that the Crystal Gems are terribly secretive, and I think that, even if the details are not widespread, that at least people outside of Beach City would have at least heard of the Crystal Gems and have some idea of what they could do. I imagine it'd be kind of like hearing that, somewhere far off in a different country, Spiderman is doing things xD

I dunno though! It's very possible there's been some bit of information given that I've missed or forgotten too xD

What do you guys think? Lol Strawberry
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Members Diamond

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PostSubject: Re: Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?   Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 01, 2016 12:10 pm

I definitely think people know of them or have heard of them. What's interesting though is that people don't try and demand for them to leave. They kinda just, tolerate it. I mean, after the gem war on Earth, you'd think humans would want all gems to go - they'd have a hard time convincing people that they're good guys. At least, you think they would.
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PostSubject: Re: Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?   Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 01, 2016 9:32 pm

I'm sure they do.  They've been so public for thousands of years, they have to be.

As for why the world outside Beach City doesn't make a big fuss about them, I think Patrick Stewart's opening monologue from the movie Ted explains it perfectly.  No matter how big a splash you make in this world, whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz, Justin Bieber, or a talking teddy bear, eventually - nobody gives a shit.

Are we allowed to say that word here?
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PostSubject: Re: Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?   Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeSun May 07, 2017 9:08 pm

I'm not sure. They may think that The Crystal Gem rebellion was successful in the Gem War and won against Homeworld, even though they were defeated and only survived because of The Cluster being planted.

Many places probably think the rebellion is alive and well and protects Earth, when in reality it's only a couple of weaker gems doing what they can to protect their last headquarters and rounding up their corrupted comrades.
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PostSubject: Re: Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?   Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitimeSun May 07, 2017 9:11 pm

Garnet wrote:
I definitely think people know of them or have heard of them. What's interesting though is that people don't try and demand for them to leave. They kinda just, tolerate it. I mean, after the gem war on Earth, you'd think humans would want all gems to go - they'd have a hard time convincing people that they're good guys. At least, you think they would.

It would be.

Earth was screwed from the moment the Diamond marked it for colonization on their starmaps.

Earth probably sees the corrupted gems as the Crystal Gem's fault, leading them here.

Homeworld sees the Crystal Gems as pacifist morons who choose primitive aliens over the survival and expansion of their own species.

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PostSubject: Re: Do other places know of the Crystal Gems?   Do other places know of the Crystal Gems? I_icon_minitime

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